Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cup of Tea anyone?

The o so witty title to this post is due to the fact that I've spent the last day building a kettle out of nurbs. This has been an experience to say the least, mainly because I've spent the last day screaming "argh stupid nurbs" but that said nurbs are awesome, you would never get something looking this smooth as quick using polygons. The only slightly infuriating thing about the aforementioned nurbs is the number of times I've entered a value into the input of a tool and maya can't computer it (the number you've put in is bigger than the surface you are trying to round was a common one) and gave itself a fatal error. Suddenly incremental saves are awesome. But all in all it wasnt too much of a problem, but I have learnt that I am much more confident with a polygon based workflow than a nurbs one, I've discovered with nurbs you really have to think about the order in which you use certain tools (theres no point trying to trim a surface that you havent yet filleted to create the correct curves and stuff like this that messes with your head sometimes). The furthest down image is all the curves that had to be constructed in order to make the nice shiny smooth surfaces of the kettle (as you can imagine my outliner was a bit of mess by the end of this model)

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