Monday, February 22, 2010

They Call Me Trinity Update

Thought I would come on this fine evening and waffle somewhat about how my groups character animation is coming along. I have lots of sketchbook work from the planning stages (the last week) that will hopefully make it onto this blog at some point, but for now they are firmly within my sketchbook. The group conviened today to decide a few things and plan in a bit more depth the events of the forth coming week. We took a look at all the character designs everyone had done for various characters and assigned who would build specific armatures. We also made the decision to work as a collective on the set, over the course of this week (tuesday, thursday and friday) and keep the armature building to our spare time. We also went through the storyboards we had made and thought about each scene suggested any changes, and happily found that the vast majority was to our liking, so bar a few minor cuts the planning stages of the animation are complete. Now all that remains is a frantic week of building characters, sets, and miniature clothing (which has rather unfortunately fell upon the only girl in our group, which is not helping us seem like an equal opportunities collective). In the next day or two I hope to post up my animatic for the opening of the piece which I have been given the task of directing, shortly after I would like to make a colour animatic to demonstrate the look and feel I hope to achieve.

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