Monday, November 29, 2010

Turret Animation Test

Its been a while since I posted any animation, or even a video, on this blog (ironic really as its my animation blog, maybe I should change it to toby's 3D art blog it might be more adpt a description) But anyway just when you though "hang on, he never seems to do any animating" well here you go some animation.

This is a quick test animation using a rather awesome turret model made by Chris Currigan for the game project I am working on. The programmers were keen to try out their mad computer skills on something, and turret AI is apparantly significantly easier than enemy soldier AI. So we've built a turret and now I am starting to play around with some animations. The first is a simple pop up and sweep the area animation. The idea being that when the player comes within a certain radius, perhaps a little further than the turret can fire, the turrets motion senses inform it of a potential threat, so it pops up and scans the area. If the threat retreats it will pop back down again for safety purposes (ie to stop it being sniped by players who believe that camping is a legitamate strategy) Next on the list of animations in order of how annoying/complicated they are gonna be are as follows: Shooting animation (should be simple just get those snazy barrels turning, eventually gonna work out how to use sprite particlers to make the bullet effects), and finally but infinitly more annoying a turret being blown up animation. Not quite sure where to start yet, but we will see how that comes along.

Test Animation from Toby Rutter on Vimeo.

In other animation news there will be lots of animation put up here soon (I no your shocked, none for ages and now two or potentially more whats going on) as I've just finished the rig for all the human biped characters for the game (huzzzah woop etc) however I do still need to paint all the skin weights for the two characters so far, which could take a while, so watch this space eventually there will be some snazy character animations.

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