Thursday, November 17, 2011

Starting Beastman Modelling

I did all the early concepting for this character in 3D, starting with a dynamesh I originally intended to create another male face, but was getting a bit frustrated with his eyes. This led to me spending a little bit of time messing around and the screenshot below came out of this. This screenshot really doesn't look like much, in fact its fairly awful. But it got me thinking about some kind of beastman/lionman wearing a helmet. The next step I took was to retopologise the helmet to remove it from the head.

Once I had separated these two pieces I left the helmet alone completely and just focused on the beastmans head. Just refining this rough concept. By adding things like the line of the mouth and the idea for a more pronounced lower jaw with a pair of larger teeth exposed.

When I arrived upon a shape that I liked for the overall head I decided it was time to retopologise. Whilst dynamesh is fantastic for being able to concept away it doesn't make the most efficient use of polygons, due to not have a readable topology. This means that eventually you will want to get more definition for the polygons your using (unless you have a computer than can handle more subdivisions but I'm restricted to about 6 max 7 depending on the original base mesh size). So I set about retopologising and separating out items such as the beard, and began modelling the interior of the mouth.

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