Monday, November 28, 2011

This was a really quick digital sketch, the only thing I really changed was the orientation of the head and then I duplicated it, the wonders of working digitally, and quickly sketched some positions of piercings on the face. From the offset I decided I wanted to use an odd number of piercings to help give the model asymmetry. The first piercing I decided was very fitting for the character was the "bull" style nose ring. But that didn't really do very much to establish asymmetry. I decided to add some more but didn't want to go above 3 piercings as it started to look cluttered. In the end one in the nose, eyebrow and ear seemed to work well. After showing this design to some people they pointed our that I should vary the type of piercing so as not to have 3 rings or 3 of the same type which I agree with. I was also informed about something known as the "gay ear" which apparently is a thing... as I understand it from their explanation having one earring in a particular ear denotes you sexuality. I'm not convinced that they aren't just making that up to be honest. My final choices for piercings are a ring through the character's nose and eyebrow and a stretcher in one of his ears.

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