Saturday, March 20, 2010

They Call Me Trinity

Here it is folks, the finshed piece (we attempted to keep it off the great interweb until after assessment on monday, but hell we just wanted to show people). It has taken a group of four hard working animators 5 weeks to get to this point. For those who are interested we split our time up into; one week planning (storyboards, animatics, character/ armature designs, set designs, ideas for lighting, how we were going tell the story etc), one week building (armatures, sets, props), roughly two weeks animating and finally roughly one week compiling and editing (assembling in IMovie, editing frame by frame in photoshop, assembling sound track) and thats how we got here. Spread the video around any feedback would be good, ive got til monday to prepare my assessment presentation so if people mention good ways of improving it that I havent thought of I'm going to use them.

1 comment:

  1. toby, congratulations to all of you, it looks impressive and it's really funny. great timing, characters, lights, details.. everything really ;)
