So this is what I've been working towards making in my tutorial lessons, this is a composition made up of the fruit that I made earlier this week, I made the fruitbowl using the CV tool to make a curve which i revolved into a bowl, then it was just a case of duplicating, scaling, changing the position and angle of the fruit until the bowl was full and I was happy with the composition. Truth be told I didn't plan the composition it was just a case of having a look at what looked about right. I felt in a scene like this where the placement of fruit is random that approach worked well enough. In future I will give scene composition more thought. Other observations I made is that it is unusual placing the items in the bowl because you have to really work to make sure they touch each other and the bowl (giving a sense of weight and earths real gravity) without allowing their surfaces to intersect (something apples dont tend to do in real life), but this is just one of the things you have to do when working in 3D.
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