Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Bit of Pixalation

This week we began the second of our group tasks, our brief was to create a piece of experimental animation based around one of four topics; growth, sea/wildlife, dance or conflict. Our group approach was more towards finding an idea and then tailoring it towards one of the topics. Because of our group size we opted to use two different types of animation to show variety in the final piece. We chose to divide the animation in two and have a thought sequence set inside the main characters head in which he is looking for a solution to a worldly problem. This animated sequence would be made in a different method to the rest of the animation, this would allow us to explore the idea of another world (a concept often used in animated films) and also show a clear distinction between them. The sub-group I was decided we wanted to experiment with pixalation as a form of animation, and decided that the thought scene would be done using pixalation and characters acted out using ourselves and props. We felt this gave the piece a nice feel as the "imaginary" world would be visually similar to our world and the "real" world to look exagerated and animation. We felt this was the inverse to the norm and gave the piece some atmoshpere. We also used very different colour schemes in the two world bright and vibrant for the "real" and black and white for the "imaginary". This video is the entire thought scene before it had been edited and filtered to be black and white. I will be uploading the finished edit at a later date along with our video tests and the many different lighting test we performed before we began to animate. Also at a later date I will post the other half of the animation, tests, and the fully finished and edited animation.

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