Thursday, January 21, 2010

Experimentation Animation

Here it is the final edit animation from the experimental animation task set at the start of the week. The animation has been aptly named Money. Today we were simply editing the animation together from its componant scenes, including adding the rather fetching credits. Once we had finished that we decided that soundtrack was in order, and rather than spend a long time making a very realistic soundtrack we opted for being experimental and created the entire soundtrack using just the voices of the animators who made it. I think this works really well in this case. Particularly the rather epic song that was invented for the credits.
And now time for a little bit of an evaluate of the animation, in terms of planning and coming up with an idea as a group I feel we did very well, we started brainstorming (am I allowed to say this??) ideas from the topics we were given and trying to incorporate the bits and bobs we had brought along for experimental animation. Once we got ideas flowing we split into different groups to do the two smaller projects that would make the animation. From this we once again as a group bounced ideas of each other and in my group actually acted out our ideas before we storyboarded the final idea. (We really should have video'd this to show this planning). Once we had storyboarded that was planning complete. Because we opted to use no dialogue or work from sound initially we didnt dope sheet and just added soundtrack to fit the finished animation. When we were filming we performed tests which were useful in judging how the animation was going as we were using a digital SLR camera as opposed to a DV camera and Istopmotion so we werent getting the benefits of being able to onion skin and judge animation quality that way. As a result one or two sections look a little choppy particularly the growth of the tree which claire found difficult in her "costume" and the scene of myself lying on the floor covered in money as in order to get the angle for the shot Richard was holding the camera in mid air on a fully extended tri pod and was just taking shots quite blindly. This is the kind of shot we will be able to do better if we use the MILO camera.

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