I have been continuing to working on my car model. When I began the build I was using references for a ford focus rally car, however as the basic shell of the model is complete and I am not using references as much I am starting to adjust the model in what ever way I think looks best. Since the last images posted the mode has improved a lot. I am spending a lot of time improving the topology of the mesh (getting rid of pesky triangles). The reason their were triangles to begin with in the mesh is that when the build was start (and put on hold some time ago) I was following a tutorial that showed you how to build a low res polygonal mesh for the car and then convert it to sub-d and use creases to finish up the mesh. I am not to keen on sub-d modelling and so decided to just add more polygonal resolution to complete the mesh. As it will have a similar result but can be rendered easier (as in order to properly make use of soften and harden edge tools you need to render in mental ray). But I have digressed, in the original tutorial a lot of the things you were told to do left triangles or n-gons, in certain places I just let them happen to make the shapes, but now I am going back in and removing them to improve the topology of the mesh. I have also started to extract sections such as bonnet, windscreen and doors in order to detail them further as seperate parts of the mesh.

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