I've spent the summer doing bits and bobs of CGI work, most of my practise has gone into organic modelling, but towards the start of the summer I spent a bit of time modelling mechanical objects (my mech) and also a little bit of environment modelling (this castle). The castle isn't yet finished I have plenty of ideas that I want to build within the scene (the idea has got bigger and bigger in my head, its now fairly epic in terms of size). As soon as I finish the organic modelling work I am doing at the moment (or when I hit a brick wall) I will be returning to this scene. In terms of the work behind this, the scene is made from simple polygon shapes, using a lot of the extrude tool. The only complicated aspect of the scene, was when I was creating the interiors of the towers. I decided I wanted you to be able to move inside the structures, but this meant some complicated appending of polygons to ensure that the walls had depth.

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