Im looking forward to being able to scream such phrases as "IT'S ALIVE" etc as todays creation is nearing completion. At the moment I am just going into the mesh and tweaking, flicking between the smooth and un-smoothed geometry making small changes and adding little bits of detail (which seems to consist of extruding random faces and defining them with edge loops) I want the mesh to look as if he was sort of cobbled together out of different bits of metal. This will be easier to demonstrate if and when I texture him (I really should) as bump and normal maps will allow me to add smaller details such as rivets and texture to bits of metal that will give him a more patchwork feel. I hope the pipes are coming out ok I have been trying to link up body parts to demonstrate the steam being pumped through his body to allow him to move. One area I feel needs a bit more work is the head, as its looking a bit too smooth so I think Im going to rough it up a bit and make it look for robot-y

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