Attaching the ear to the head was no small feat. For one thing the amount of verts that the ear had was quite a lot greater than the number it had to flow into, so no hope of a simple bridge. However I also had the problem that I didn't want to remove any valuable edge loops and thus much needed detail from the ear. However I quite quickly worked out a way of turning more verts into less, without resorting to any dreaded triangles (thats the dream). So pretty soon the ear was in place. Then I just had to tweak the area where the two meshes were connected to smooth it out ( a process I'm still doing, due to the level of verts and the tricky nature of the space). But in terms of creating detail the head is complete, now all that remains is the tweak the entire head, and then go up a sub div levels and keep tweaking verts to create an aesthetically pleasing head at the end.

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