Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Game Animation

I'm going to point this out in MASSIVE CAPITAL LETTERS, I'm not really an animator. This is my diclaimer for anything that the following animations that I've been working on for my game project (everyone is being marked on doing some animation so I had to do some to cross the t's and dot the i's). Anyway thats not to say I don't know to animate I know about using graph editor, key framing and all the principles that we covered in the first year, it just isn't my favourite area (still ranked higher than painting skin weight eguhhhhgh).

We'll start off with something simple, the idea was the turret would stay dormant until the player entered a volume surrounding the turret, then if would start to scan the area, if a player entered a further volume and was in the turrent line of sight it would fire at him, as the player retreated or hid it would scan the area before return back into its "shell".

Untitled from Toby Rutter on Vimeo.

First attempt at a walk cycle, not too bad but needed polishing. Also I discovered that modeling a character in a traditional t-shape causes some weirdness when you try and bring the characers arms down to its sides.

Untitled from Toby Rutter on Vimeo.

Walk cycle with a bit more polishing.

Untitled from Toby Rutter on Vimeo.

Quite stylized run cycle, which I feel matches the slightly cartoony feel of the character. I wanted it to be a bit snappy but not tooo snappy.

Untitled from Toby Rutter on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Nice animations - keep up the excellent work. It's great to watch this blog and see all the progress being made. Keep it up.
