Ive been spending some more time learning about texturing, in particular the tools and methods that you use in photoshop to create textures which are then applied in maya. In my last texturing tutorial i learnt how to use pre-made textures (something i ve done a bit of) to get an idea and understanding of how you use hypershade networks and how different kinds of textures work (bump, diffuse, specular etc). Now im working through some exercises but making my own textures using photoshop. At the moment I'm creating a wall scene, which features a brick wall and pavement section. I downloaded some photos from free texture websites and used photoshop to alter the perspective on them before making them into tiles (meaning I can repeat the texture in maya without a seam showing) Then I imported them into maya and applied them to polygonal planes. Here are the finised diffuse textures and a quick render of the wall and pavement. I will be making bump map textures from the diffuse textures and applying those next.
Unfortunately i cant upload the textures right now as they are saved as tif's for maya use when i get round to it ill convert them to jpegs and upload them.
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