I've chosen to spend a bit more time on the scene and have been looking up how to bake textures to am object. This allowed me to create and new torus shape and assign a simplified version of the shader network of procedural textures I have on my first donut but simply as three texture images, a diffuse texture, a bump map, and a specular highlights map. I am now going to post a render of my new donut compared to the donut from the procedural texturing render and compare to see if anything has changed in the process of baking or whether I simply have the same textures combined as a series of maps. The top image is my donut with the textures baked on and the lower image is the donut with the huge shader network of procedural textures. The only difference I can make out is a slight decrease in bump value on the upper image but that is because I lowered the bump amount from 1 to 0.15 when I imported the bump as it started out too high so I lowered it to the usual amount, I think I will go back within the scene and play around with the bump value until it matches the original donut. All in all this experiment has been a success I can now deform my donut and duplicate to create a composition easily.

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