This really is only very tenuous link to halloween. This weekend (among many many other things) I have been preparing to attempt to teach some character modelling tomorrow, and whilst it has taken a bit of work I decided that I would use my time to come up with some concept/ reference images of an idea I had for a character (which tomorrow I shall attempt, and hopefully not fail, to model). The character is a real mix of influences (and I think would make a pretty cool halloween costume hence the tenuous link), originally the plan was to create a futuristic minotaur/beastman character. However I got a sudden urge to see what my imagination would think a witchdoctor/shaman character would be like if they were in a post apocalyptic genre (theres been a lot of the end of the world going on at the moment I apologise). Anyway taking a lot of influences from shamas, native american clothing, Rafiki (from the lion king) alchemists, gunslingers (a pair of revolvers) voodoo, captain jack sparrow (I imagined the character as being a cross between him and the weird voodoo lady, with a shed load of extra crazy and a messenger bag full of explosive stuff, alcohol and weird potions that were also very explosive). I also envisage him carrying a big stick (in the style of the native american dream/ story sticks) with the traveller esq bag on the end. I can also picture him hitting people with it. Anyway enjoy, hopefully soon I'll be posting some awesome pictures of the finished model

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