Works been getting pretty hectic at the moment, what with narrative work, drawing cubes for life drawing and all the concept stuff for the game (doesn't sound like that much I know) but finding time to work my way through all the other stuff I've set for myself (this next gen modelling practise, practising my digital drawing, escape courses, structure of man course, not to mention enslaved:odyssey to the west and team fortress 2's halloween special) its been feeling pretty hectic. But it is now the weekend so I can work without too many distractions. So I thougth I would take the time to finish up the tutorial on next gen character modelling, all that remains is the gun arm on the right arm and a one or two more pipes, the real challenge will come on monday when I am going to try and do a similar workflow for a character I need to design this weekend. The advantage is if the character ends up looking good then I know I am ready to start modelling characters for our game and wont feel quite so pressured to cram even more learning in before we start modelling, so fingers crossed. Anyway I have ranted enough and would like to kindly remind anyone who does actually read this that you probably have better/more fun things to do so just look at the pictures and move along

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