Ok so in hindsight that problem was actually quite easy to solve, o well you live an learn. But this has just made me jump up and down (and possibly scream in a manner I'm not proud of). Here is a test of my first character with first colour map (please be not tooo scathing in the judgements it isnt finished yet) and once I've made some bump maps, specular maps, added some more details (scratches and dirt) and cleaned up the blindingly obvious problems of one or two (or more) texture seems. He will be finished and reading for scathing judgement (mainly off me). But this feels like a huge step for me, I've never managed to succcessful uv map anything this complicated (and it feels great to have achieved that) I have also never painted my own textures to this level. And this has given me a further realisation, I think I always knew that I really enjoyed the modelling aspect of maya, I can entertain myself for hours tweaking verts. But seeing a model even only as a test come to life when the textures are applied makes my day. I'm definately thinking games artist's jobs are looking like the job for me.

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