Here is someone environment modelling I've been doing for our game project. We had a few visual ideas that the programmers wanted included and that as a group we decided would make impressive visual set pieces. The pyramid construct was key to what the programmers wanted from the second level of the game, in my original concept art it was going to be on group level surrounded by the city buildings, however a key features that the group wanted included as part of the theme for all of the environments was the highways/train tracks running above the area, meaning we had to think of a different way of working in the pyramid structure. Some of the things I looked at as reference was the streets of Paris and other european cities such as Budapest for architectural reference, the are also areas of birmingham that influenced the way I modelled the buildings and streets to match up with the ground plan concept I was given. I also liked the idea of a second rail system above the streets much in the style of chicago's EL. At the moment the city is in somewhat of a blocking stage, although it has quite a lot of detail considering. This is due to roughly a quarter of it being built for the demo and the rest just being blocked in. I am now going through removing unnecessary details such as insides of buildings, combining pieces together and generally cleaning up before I start working in proper details and set pieces

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