I've been a bit distracted by maya at the moment, so I thought I would start to post up some of the stuff I've been working away at. I've been working through the Maya getting started book (which is no small task, the books huge) and I've finished a few sections in the book, some of the modelling ones are started but unfinished. But recently I've been working through the methods of animation tutorials, I've now learnt how to use keyframing, graph editing, trax, and I'm starting to learn how to use inverse-kinematics. As a result I have 3 or 4 little animations I need to stick up but I need Adobe Premier first, so hopefully those will make it up soon (I'm really quite pleased with them). Also in recent news I bought escape studios maya core online lessons yesterday and already I've made a primative man in 3D (hoped to animate him doing a walk cycle by the end of today, but I realise I need to make a IK skeleton first, so sooon hopefully) and this morning I started learning all bout nurbs modelling and some new stuff. So here is my apple.

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