Friday, January 29, 2010
Fruitbowl Composition

Task O' the Week

Thursday, January 28, 2010

But one of the key points I felt was important in highlighting how clever Pixar we being when using cameras, was how they portrayed a sense of scale, considering that there are no human beings in the first half of the film, and this is the distant future so buildings and landscapes we see are not neccessarily as good indicators of scale as we might think, we still know exactly how big Wall-e is. And when the first humans are introduced Wall-e turns out to be exactly the size we thought. This almost confounding ability to make us natural assume the exact scale of characters and landscapes that are completely fictionalized demonstrates how aspects of the film trick the audience into believing it could be real.
Obviously Pixar have a style that is styalized and isnt firmly based on ultra-realism but rather greating lovable characters and good stories, I still find it interesting that we can be tricked into believing that parts of the film could have been filmed from live action. Also interestingly I did some further research into Alex Roman's the third and the seventh posted on this blog last week, and it turns out that the cameraman ( a figure many said shows what see still cannot reproduce accurately in CGI, is actually a real person green screened into the animation) I found it ironic that the image that jarred with viewers in that piece was actually the only thing in it that was real.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
More Fruit

Tests Etc
A Bit of Modelling

Saturday, January 23, 2010
In the beginning there was.... CGI
The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Experimentation Animation
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A Bit of Pixalation
Thursday, January 14, 2010
More Stopmotion Animation
I am pleased with the walk cycle, I think it runs smooth enough although I think I can catch a glimmer of a slightly out of place action somewhere in the middle. Following the walk cycle I decided to try something new and opted to make my character run. This however turns out to be a little bit trickier that anticipated purely because I am not yet used to stopmotion and that your model will not float in mid air on nothing but good will. As a result I have to stack the feet with blu tack (my only readily available resource) in order to give the impression of the character being off the ground. The animation works quite well but is only just passable in points where the character should have less contact with the ground.
Minor problem I realise you cant loop videos on blogger, sorry bout that.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Critical Analysis Assessment

Christmas Work

We were set a little christmas project to keep the drawing up, and out of the choices of subject matter I chose hands - my reasoning was hands in my opinion are a particular weak point of my drawing and so I took the opportunity to try and get in a bit of practise. Here are a selection of some of the drawings I've done over Christmas.
Even More Life Drawings
More Life Drawings
Life Drawings

Im making a start on posting a pick of life drawing work i ve been doing over the last term and a bit from over the christmas hols, still not happy that I'm doing enough really got to work on whipping the sketchbook out more often. Anyway these are all life drawings that were done in about 30 seconds each before the position changed.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
The Beginning of Stop Motion
This was the group walk cycle
Evil mastermind claire Manson is responsible for this one, The rest of the group offered camera and lighting support and when it came to the more complex jump movements help with the very technical aspect of rigging the model in mid air with bits of Tom Doyle's hair.
Finally this is the first two scenes of our "feature length" Zombie epic, we went for a very very staggering approach when it came to making the zombies walk or rather shuffle at high speeds. Over the course of the day we learnt some valuable lessons about lighting (and how to avoid the random changing in lighting colour demonstrated in the walk cycle), we learnt a lot of points that will be taken into account when making our own armatures for example making them big enough to be easily manipulated and not too fiddly.