Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Draft Layout

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
CGI - 3D Studio Max


Sunday, December 6, 2009
Final Audio Assessment Video
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Lip Sync Test
There have been other lip sync tests as time went on but i found it difficult to test short sections of lip sync as i would with short scenes of animation. As it involved trying to line up exactly a very small amount of the total 11 second clip, so more often than not i tested whole scenes. I dont want to post them all though and give away the surprise of the whole piece.
Audio Assessment Tests
These are the first of my many tests done over the course of the animation, a this point they are just rough blue pencil drawings of the body movements. I drew out all the gestic animation and followed this up by adding the lip syncs.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Reference Videos
Photo Storyboard
Second Storyboard
More Planning

Character Design 2

Character Design 1


This is the first of several upcoming planning posts, all of this was done before I started to animate at the start of the week, this post contains my preliminary storyboard which just contained the actions I had planned for the character although at that point I hadn't finalized the character design. I started my planning by listening to the audio clip and recording all the information on a dope sheet, then I started character design and planning all the actions that would take place, followed by my first storyboard, I recorded some live action reference images and videos and then once the character was devised created a second more detailed storyboard followed by an animatic.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Rough with Audio
Scene Tests
More Tests
After ridiculous amounts of planning (which will be posted to prove im not lying) I finalised a character design (the evil dictator who happens to like wearing womens clothes) and drew some larger (although not much) storyboards and filmed them in sync with the audio track to give you this animatic that outlines in brief the plan for my animation. Enjoy, its a little bit out of sync with the flag descending but other than that its alright. Its only a brief animatic after all, if i wasnt in such a huge rush to finish the actual piece i wanted to create a moving animatic on Adobe After Effects.
Spirited Away

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
A Scanner Darkly

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Favourite Flip Shorts
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
First Day of Maya

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Audio Assessment
Unfortunately I haven't worked out how to embed sound only files on the blog pages yet and so this post will be missing the audio clip im using and the Andrew Ryan speech reference.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Flip Animation Shorts 2
Lily & Ermine-Frances Lewtas
Kudan-Taku Kimura
Noesis-Sophie Klevenow
Rabbit Punch-Kristian Andrews
Magic Theatre-Jordan Harvey
The Hidden Life of The Burrowing Owl-Mmike Roush
Fot 'The Next Big Thing'-Alex Dron
STINKS-Qianqian Liu
POST!-Christine Asmussen, Matthias Bruhn
Man Up-Ed Barrett
Touche-Trevor Hardy
Special Glue and other Stories-Andy Sykes
Flip Animation Shorts 3
This is Where we Live-Ben Falk & Joshiah Newbolt
Sparni un Airi (wings and oars)-Vladmir Leschiov
Damaged Goods-Barnaby Barford
A Record of Life-Owen Gatley & Luke Jinks
The Seed-Johnny Kelly
A Film About Poo-Emily Howells & Anne Wilkins
The Terrible Thing of Alpha 9-Jake Armstrong
The Argonaut-Marcin Wasilewski
We Are All Here-Yonghwa Choi
No Corras Tanto (take it easy)-Cesar Diaz Melendez
The Black Dog's Progress-Stephen Irwin
Frequenze Animate #1-Michela Donini, Roberto Paganelli, Andrea Martignoni
Umbilical-Rowan Gray
Unplugged-Stjepan Mihaljevic
Wishful Expectations-Richard Webb
Flip Animation Shorts 1
Open Shorts 1
Housewife-Linda Barlow
Il Gioco De Silenzio (the play of silence) Virginia Mori
Ant & Len- Duncan Raitt & Jon Marsh
Ex- E.T - Lasfas Yannick & Gracia Nicolas
A Peacock's Tale- Anna Humphries
A Traditional Christmas at Small Birds Singing- Linda McCarthy
Hot Dog- Bill Plympton
Breaking the Mould- Rebecca Manley & Luca Paulli
Escale-Elea Gobbe-Mevellec
Deadline- Bang-yao Liu
The legend of Geb and Nut- Laura Ratta
The Astronomer's Dream0 Malcolm Sutherland
Jelly Fishers-Steven Subotnick
Sita Sings the Blues

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Exaggerated Face Cycle Take Two
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
La Voyage dans la Lune

La Voyage dans la Lune was filmed with a mix of live action film and painting sets. Much the same as a theatre production uses a set and actors. This was Mellies signature style by this point. There were also a number of other points in the film that highlight it as Mellies, for instance the use of actors and actresses as the stars and other planets. Not only this but the short film, running only eight minutes long on 25 frames a second, has had a large influence in popular culture. Everything from rock group Smashing Pumpkins very Mellies inspired music video for the song tonight tonight to comedy from the Mighty Boosh making use of Mellies moon with a face.
Pencils to Pixels

A Bit of Extra Colouring
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Assessment Animation
Turn Test
Assessment Character Looking Around
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Walk Cycle Test
As reference for the walk I used diagrams from Richard William's Animators Survival Guide and also a series of still images taken by Eadweard Muybridge, featured below.
Bouncing Ball Final Animation
Further Tests
of my first test with some minor alterations including a few changes to timing. The second test is the first test of the Character examining the ground after it jumps from the wall. I found it more difficult trying to get good arcs when bending the guitar neck and also had to be carefully to keep the volume consistant throughout the animation. But overall im quite pleased with the test of the first few head turns, when all the head movements are animated you get a much better sense of timing and spacing as it performs different movements with varying speeds.
Assessment Animation
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The Final Jump
First Attempt at Colouring Animation
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Jump Test
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Bouncing Ball Test
Basic Character Design